We understand that you may not wish to remain at the dealership to wait while your vehicle is serviced. That’s where Cook Ford’s Free Loaner Program comes in! It rewards customers who have purchased a vehicle from us by providing a complimentary vehicle for them when servicing.
This is one of our most popular features at our dealership with demand oftentimes exceeding inventory availability. To have the best chance at securing your loaner vehicle, please call ahead to schedule your service. You can reach us by phone at 855-979-0115 or click the button below to get started online.
Loaner Requirements
- The vehicle being serviced must be an original owner vehicle purchased at Cook Ford.
- Service must be scheduled with an appointment, have a safety concern, or be in a disabled condition.
- Valid driver’s license and current proof of full coverage insurance are required.
- Owners age 18-21 must be on the title and are limited to certain loaner vehicles.

Loaner Return
- Provide repair authorization within 24 hours of being contacted.
- Return the loaner within 24 hours of notification of service completion.
- After 24 hours, the loaner will be considered a rental and regular daily rates will apply. This also applies to repair authorizations not received within 24 hours.
- Safe and operable vehicles awaiting extended parts availability will be asked to be picked up and scheduled for service when parts become available.
Vehicles brought in for maintenance or light repair are not eligible for loaner vehicles. Collision and insurance related repairs are not eligible for loaner vehicles. Our experienced collision estimators will gladly work hard to address your needs. We do reserve the right to revoke loaner privileges due to non-compliance with our loaner policy. If you have any questions about our loaner car program, please contact a Cook Ford representative.